Friday, December 21, 2007

Music for film

Walking the streets of the city
Without you, the sadness brings pity
Simply put I'm lost in the wrong part of town
don't know where to go, left, right, up, down
no one around. I wear solitude like a sweater
but that's ok I've never ever felt better
lights shine, cars pass, rain pours
I'm walking to hell knows where
free from stress, free from tender loving care
I'm so free its too much to bear
No longer tied down as I wander the town
quiet without a sound feelings are around
feelings of a shift in my path and my future
one where I find something to nuture
a bum on the street asks for change
and so do I wishing for a range
of adventure and relationships to experience
To live my life without bondage or deterrence
Arriving at home stepping through the door I no longer feel alone
Your eyes shine and warm every part of me from muscle to bone

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