Friday, December 21, 2007


They say girls like guys who are deep
the definition denied to those who keep
away from any introspection
other's perspectives mentioned
and dutifully snubbed
people deep like a tub
3' deep 5' long 3' wide
enough to fit one thought inside
then its flushed down the drain
deep? those people are just insane
yet they multiply and grow across the earth
death to the deep in dearth, another birth
of no worth, just another body to fill the space
until it'll be time to make a case
to find a new planet for humanity to live on
That is of course supposing we live that long

Who's deep like the ocean so blue?
someone who can accept ultimate truth
hard to find those few souls
drawing a picture from coals
drawing upon situations emotionally
but in the end we are as deep as sand
all with thoughts that wash away bland
There goes the ocean analogy
a metaphor for the mediocrity
a metaphor for the chosen few
who are deep. Is this person you?

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