Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Silence, an estranged friend
visits randomly and never ends
what's so serious
to act delirious
high on ambition
ideals to fruition
accomplishing when its impossible
the gain in confidence is plausible
the taste is so sweet
the better it is the harder the feat
please silence go, leave me now
the awkwardness fades and how
it grows more uncomfortable
with each pressing moment
accept the silence, hold it
because what you feel
isn't close to real
when there is nothing to say
the time occurs come what may
despite the second change the clay
of blank discussion
find the word's percussion
jump, from you mind to your mouth
and break the silence
the sudden change is violent
no longer accustomed to silent
sound, words abound
the beat goes around and round
and never stops
the thoughts
and the words
loosely off the lips
the mood shifts, come to grips
the language sustained
through memories remained
emotions are explained
perspective is claimed
and a new understanding framed
silence has been lost
the awkwardness forgot
cause now there is something to think of
a side to take, a push come to shove
a simple choice: fear or love
live by one or the other
but to rely on one will cover
your mind to the truth of whats real
were you feel what you say
and say what you feel
Just allow love to guide your path
its just logic or simple math
matter of fact
the silence brought
to me this thought
these words refract
from silence's tact
to allow this introspection
to understand this, is to understand
that the best times you'll ever have
is when the silence
makes you glad

Friday, December 21, 2007

watch now
breaking the backs of degenerate blues
requires pluck and the right attitude
Veni, Vidi, Vici with no signs of slowing
until your mind shifts and you stop growing
coming about into the twilight years
where'd time go, what do I have to fear?
nothing except the everlooming uncertain
express yourself and remove the iron curtain
because blink and the moments gone
time was finite all along
breath in

breath in

breath in

let it all in

breath in

breathe out
theres words left in your mouth
make eye contact and never waiver
enjoy the connection do yourself a favor
allow the skyline to drift on through
do everything you wanted to do
because as moments become the past
and in the end memory is your last
link to the world that we all live in together
before we all pass away into the nether.

those damn college midterms

Shifting students scamper about
midterms creep and grades are in doubt
This is supposed to be the time of our lives
but its hard to try and find the drive
to succeed outside academically
studying sporadically inside the mind
as knowledge capsizes intertwined
with the kind of boredom that would make your realize
just how much time is taken before your eyes

blink..yup the seconds are still ticking
as you close the book and the mind starts thinking
maybe all this time and energy is put to waste
to get a degree laced with prestige, only to be replaced
the general distaste of time chased so you can be placed
into society, embraced resume traced on your records based
on the time that you disgraced with haste has been erased.
But maybe with the academics aside and as the time slides
you found a bride or tried regardless now you abide
alone on your own, maybe with your pride
or unconfident because of the love you were denied.
Worldwide this phenomenon is common
as youth is attempted to be resummoned.
Alas time is a one way ticket
with the future clouded by a thicket
metaphorically speaking of course
to see the future makes a mind coarse
as you force down the remorse around
causality can force a divorce profound
and as you struggle to rebound
you slowly start to surround
yourself with the faces of your friends found abound
or if you were antisocial the face in the mirror frowned
regardless of this
the time to reminisce is gone
as light brings about the new dawn.

Melancholy feelings and reversible self solace
undone with polyhealing irreversible with a catch from Tony Gonzalez
how about this life we live
were the actions of a small amount can give
happiness to many, sadness to few
in the end its all up to you.
So enjoy now the time of your life
despite the academic strife
that cuts into time like a knife
Similes disregarded especially when retarded
do nothing to hide the fact that college is harder then when you started.
Oh well Study break is over
moreover, eyes start to rover
back to the textbook the source of all knowledge
that will help you get by in this place called college.
Opening the book doesn't instantly translate
into a future success where you will be great
Try to not be the one to give bad advice
especially if it is not very nice
its late 4:39 A.M. to be precise
hope the message was austere and concise
dope or beer stay clear. That will suffice.


Elation, brought about by resuscitation
the end result was merely frustration
but then replaced again by elation
the situation? Intense yet memorable
the reactions by you commendable
but after all that memory is expendable

Schism brought about the great divide
where complex emotions rage inside
until the truth was opened wide
Honesty lost, forgotten, I can't remember which
I was glad to be free without cost or hitch
the attitude sublime of a stupid bitch

Elation commonly found alongside freedom
captivity creatively capsizes the kingdom
Joy unwrapped like pieces of edam
devoured until there is no contemplation
just something simple like elation.


They say girls like guys who are deep
the definition denied to those who keep
away from any introspection
other's perspectives mentioned
and dutifully snubbed
people deep like a tub
3' deep 5' long 3' wide
enough to fit one thought inside
then its flushed down the drain
deep? those people are just insane
yet they multiply and grow across the earth
death to the deep in dearth, another birth
of no worth, just another body to fill the space
until it'll be time to make a case
to find a new planet for humanity to live on
That is of course supposing we live that long

Who's deep like the ocean so blue?
someone who can accept ultimate truth
hard to find those few souls
drawing a picture from coals
drawing upon situations emotionally
but in the end we are as deep as sand
all with thoughts that wash away bland
There goes the ocean analogy
a metaphor for the mediocrity
a metaphor for the chosen few
who are deep. Is this person you?
your face familiar, but I misplaced it somewhere
our time together forgotten, I think I cared?
Angel please don't leave me now
with so little information how
am I supposed to fix
all the things amiss
please fall back down to me now

Sidewalks scattered across my mind
all these roads they intertwine
trying to find a reason why
your face familiar

Breaking free. Possibility. Necessity.
Come back to me. Fall back down.
Don't stay a face among the clouds.

Was there a time we ever got along
Was there a time we ever got along

I can't seem to find
the memories I'm losing my mind
please come back to me now
Otherwise I don't know how
to continue this fucking song
If I ever knew you all along....

old friends

Old friends they come they go
much like the weather when it snows
the ice melts the relationship flows
and it either dies or grows

regardless friendship's can be heartless
for economic or mutual gain
eventually something along the lines of pain
comes into the soul where it remains...a memory

We had fun times, we enjoyed them well
Hanging out was pretty swell, but
as time went on I could tell
our time was over with the bell
signaling the end of a round
of life, now new people abound

new relationships new friends now
old friends I just don't know how
to tell you that we will be close while far,
closer then two passengers in a car
even if we don't talk anymore
doesn't mean we tire and bore
of each other and the times we had
it really makes me smile and glad
because you were some of the best friends I ever had.

Now I may be far away
as I find my place to stay
in this life were things run amok
obstacles, tribulations can get you stuck
and caught up in the run of things
the new experiences that time brings
but in the end it doesn't really matter
aging, or having a belly of batter
cause thats the way the adventure lends
itself to life my old friends

until we meet again at some point in the future
stay well, be safe, don't get sutured
meet a pretty woman, treat her well
so when we meet again it won't be in hell
Goodbye my old friends just thought I'd reminiss
about the good old times that I miss

simple ambiguity

eyes cover the place making contact with a face
a second longer then usual the displaced
feeling that something is unusual
the walk is long in time, but short in space
the simple hello brings eyes that grace
over every inch to the tips of my fingers
hoping for a touch that slightly lingers
banal conversation the common approach
the reproach that starts to encroach
of the standard hello/goodbye how are you
its instead about so you wanted to leave too
stepping outside enjoying the ride
everything is going well your starting to glide
when all of the sudden you stomach tightens
your dull reactions stiffen, your eyes whiten
pupils dilate then retract your tab is unpaid for
you'll have to go back and salvage what's intact

Simple ambiguity requires no acuity
just continuity and congruity in ingenuity
of your words line by line said
distinctly and flowing confidently in time
everything is fine the tabs paid
and now your about to get laid

Snapping out of a daydream is sometimes hard to do
especially when drunk and staring into a tasty brew
the courage to fufill the dream has passed
and won't return until the empty glass
is set down on the counter and pulling your eyes up
you see the same broad and ask her whats up
Hoping to be charming or at least somewhat graceful
falling off of the barstool was somewhat distasteful
recovering quickly and somewhat humorously you
boldly ask her if she wanted a drink too
as if on cue she knew how to coo
and flirt providing a better view
of the attire that you desire
watch yourself passion is fire
keep it cool as to not get burned
as you compliment and admire returned
likewise as she leans in closer
nows not the time to be a poser
the lips lock synapse crossed
endorphins begin to exhaust

What a feeling

What a feeling

If life is leading to one certain end
make sure to for a moment just pretend

What a feeling

What a feeling

to believe in something so simple and true
too look into eyes that say I love you

Music for film

Walking the streets of the city
Without you, the sadness brings pity
Simply put I'm lost in the wrong part of town
don't know where to go, left, right, up, down
no one around. I wear solitude like a sweater
but that's ok I've never ever felt better
lights shine, cars pass, rain pours
I'm walking to hell knows where
free from stress, free from tender loving care
I'm so free its too much to bear
No longer tied down as I wander the town
quiet without a sound feelings are around
feelings of a shift in my path and my future
one where I find something to nuture
a bum on the street asks for change
and so do I wishing for a range
of adventure and relationships to experience
To live my life without bondage or deterrence
Arriving at home stepping through the door I no longer feel alone
Your eyes shine and warm every part of me from muscle to bone

To Gibson

To my friend my ally a brother in arms
don't lose your spirit your grit your charm
don't be alarmed by the sights you see
after all nobody said war was pretty

I hope that things go safely and well
but I do not doubt that time will tell
I hope you become a sniper or accomplish your dreams
whatever and wherever it takes through any means

Gibson you are a soldier now this is true
but to me you'll always be quirky old you
I hope that the war going on will end soon
so they pay for college and it becomes a boon

While sleeping under the night sky in Baghdad
don't get bitten by a camel spider that would be a tad
bad,unpleasant, and not exactly ideal.
Superman would avoid one the man of steal
so keep it real do what you feel
make sure to get 3 square meals
and if you bleed it heals
don't hesitate to kneel
and pray to make the war go away
so you can come back and act today

Gibson Here's to you
you've done what you've wanted to do
I wish you only the best
as you enter the nest

Bob Dylan wannabe?

Your reflection looks great in the cover
something time surpasses like no other
the couch's elasticity is starting to stiffen
and I wish once to be driven, a given
the present circumstances
trees in electric madness
organic toxic its blandness
I remember calling you one day when time moved slow
I remember hearing your voice on the phone
The clouds grin of a relentless need
That I once had and had to need

Certain simple subjects Certainly seem suspect
An ideology waiting to for angst regret
The chair broke years ago the dam stayed strong
but then water and stone didn't get along
all the different elements were tossed in a fray
for the time of rapture of nature colored gray.

The light changes the reflection I can see it clearer
The face brought nearer so that I might fear her
Alone in the end
its not so bad
time to befriend
sand that's so sad

poem due to insomnia

My friend had a rock clearly labeled confidence
I used it to bash my brain out for my two cents
gaining a powerful ally is never this easy
in retrospect the feeling was queasy
there are those who try to slow down progress
there are those who try to stop installments
and then there are those who are blessed
who fight through and pay the rent
it hard times in past present and future tense
if you solve riddles you might gain confidence
but for me I lost it after looking into the distance
where the grass is greener, but its subsistence
is through assistance and persistence.
What a meaningless existence
the nihilist cried and then laughed
while on the Muslims' behalf
What is the riddle that I was looking for
was it why aging is a chore?
or why can't I find someone I adore?
to the heavens I implored
but no more.
I gave up asking that question
I suggest a change in direction
just accept what you have
whether or not you are glad
and if its bad its bad
and if its sad its sad
but don't get mad
this existence
is all we have.

Look Up

relax your left shoulder and your right.
slowly adjust your eye's sight
so that it is upwards towards the ceiling
and allow your mind to feel its feelings
still down? Its simple
look up stupid
don't let your grief pop like a pimple
keep a smile nourish dimples
haha retarded thing to type I guess
but when your down there is stress
a mess within thy mind. within thy soul
the sadness analogy to a black hole
if you are small when the earth quakes
it'll feel even larger when the earth breaks
maybe there was no shaking all along
and you were just thinking wrong
Death, all has to occur
in order for richness, birth to procure
The sun will keep on rising
the moon will continue to come out
and wonder what all the fuss was about
relax your neck. It is tense
from all the looking up I'd guess.
You'll miss those you leave behind
but at least their fates were intertwined
with got to know them
relationships are like precious gems
they are > money > pain
because through relationships

you have all to gain.

Its alright to be sad
to feel the pain you feel
because it is very very real

but look up
enjoy the sky
you only have so much time
to wonder why
roll your left shoulder and your right
and allow your eyesight to comply

When the time comes

When the time comes will you know what to do?
will you follow your instincts and to your morals be true?
will you walk the path that fate had in its design
or will you change direction and to fate resign?
When the time comes will you know what to say?
will you say what you feel or feel what you say
its ok, I guess to do none of the above
when the time comes you'll live it and love
When the time comes will you be ready?
to do what you have to do fingers steady...
will you be steadfast and dormant in your ideals?
will you be behind breakfast behind what is real?
The time just came and it went
I hope you knew how it was spent.


skipping across the lines in a sidewalk
worrying for those who have not
is not my agenda today

Sun in the air
green everywhere
life without care
is what I share

Emotions are clear
like the sky today
Even if it rained
I'd be ok
there is nothing
to bring me down today

Losing streak snapped
alignment intact
what I lack
as matter of fact
is nothing today

See a strangers face
give it a smile
see a friends face
stay with it for awhile
spreading the cheer
to those who are dear
is the motto
of my way

and I'm feeling ecstatic
I want you to have it
I want you to cherish
all the of life's merits
goes the grey
of yesterday

What tomorrow may bring I do not dare to ask
for today is the day that may be my last
so skipping across lines indoors
anything, to prevent being bored
spread the feeling yourself
pay it forward
color the shelf
lost? head shoreward
to find oneself
look away
to find your center of happiness today

You should never be afraid

You should never be afraid
all the trouble inside your mind
what is there that you didn't know
the fear comes from what is shown
Death the unknown haunts everyone
Life the false constant haunts no one
the lies permeate frightened logic
you should never be afraid its tragic
who are you who am I
if I'm the one afraid inside
all the trouble inside your mind
fear, the emotion will be blind
The beginning statement I'm afraid
was nothing just a false charade.
So you should never be afraid


the turkey comes over
its covered with past memories
the stuffing rolls by
it was time enjoyed, time hated
the cranberry sauce is passed
just like the squabbles that last
in some other mind's eye
that disappear with pumpkin pie
Seconds come, seconds go
enough for ones belly to show
this I know. On thanksgiving I glow
and wish to steam up the snow

what are you thankful for
the ability to list.. a bore?
but the list matters
though it is a chore
because you can make it
something to adore
and if you can withold
the truth
then there is one sleuth
that knows what your
words do not show
this I know
this I know
to be thankful for this day
to break bread
to break belts
and waistlines instead
to be thankful for
the time to fight
the time to joke
the time to light
tick, tick, tick
the nervousness

at the end of thanksgiving, my reading friend.

Not a feeling you can grok?
then pry your mind, poke
to find that despite the shortcomings
despite the shortcomings, happiness
is just like stuffing
its filled the turkey
and it is nothing

a pessimist you cry, a depressed melancholy fool!
a far cry from the truth, the truth is too cool
for one to realize
I merely refer to family's
before my eyes
and am thankful for what I despise
because I love the ability to recognize
that time with family dies
so the moment was enjoyed
with all the will I employed
here's to family
here's to life
here's to turkey, potatoes, and strife
this what I'm thankful for
this list
these words
these metaphors


writing about depression is as easy as pre-made cookie dough.
Just unwrap the outer layer and reveal your soul.
Put it on the pan, out on the line
and bake it for 12 minutes, there thats fine
Relax and unwind, laughter is sublime
the best ingredient is always time
thyme added time lost
laughter has no cost
look over yonder at the horizon
seeing enough of those will wizen
the coldest heart the darkest soul
haha squirrels exist balls roll
what a strange occurrence of events
that unfold

parachute pants and tires that go flat
the moonwalk and cheshire cat
dr. seuss rhymes with that
500 words a cat and a hat
life's fucking ridiculous
are you down with fat?

Losing the fear of heights
is like flying a kite
reality tends to bite
loneliness at night
but everything is alright
esteem never waver
do me this favor.

haha riddle me this
the truth lies amiss
even the true kiss
is short bliss

so why waste eternity in a squalor?
take time off at the massage parlor
you have the giggles so why bother
to hide them the eyes of a father
they may chide
sucks laughter is ever denied.
So i titter now with silly carefree glee
If I am truly mad
then why be mad at me?
depression is the easiest emotion to plaster
while laughter is the hardest to master

try to laugh
then do it again
continue this on and on my friend



then go aha!
stop it time to laugh is over
that is till the laughter rolls over.
What was so funny in the first place
Its rather funny the fact's been misplaced.
cheeky as can be
filled with glee.
rain somewhere else
silly elements
got no sense
happy the remnants
made you smile
lets make it stay awhile.