Wednesday, October 14, 2009


fluidity, what a word
something no nerd
can observe
a current

to watch the approaching foot-steps
and the eyes that are at rest
confidence that exudes some charm
fluidity to the approaching warm
lips, part, and a smile starts

hello, echoes through both time and space
into the ears to the brainwaves chased
echoing with an acknowledgment

a tensing of palms,
a quickened heart-rate has its chalms
a response, hello, echoing with an acknowledgment

eyes stay straight, penetrating souls
the pupils wide like dim black holes
to a light that lies beneath
a strange smirk that is flexed in its sheath

I think I've seen you somewhere before,
says the eyes that do adore

I don't know where, and I don't know when,
but I knew I'd see you again

Oh really? I haven't the faintest clue
of ever having run into you

Its possible that I never wanted you to remember till now,
says the eyes with a raised brow

and where could I have seen you before,
doth the other eyes implore

another lifetime perhaps, but here we are now,
and the smirk shows, endearing and how,

why yes indeed, it is a beautiful night,
with the dark lights, and pretty...sights

care to join me? somewhere in a dream?

I'm not sure quite what you mean?

An outstretched upturned hand,
to quiet such strange demands,
guiding, leading, through the room
a connection can be made soon

As time went by,
and the words did move,
they hovered, they shivered, they soothed,
they penetrated the darkest holes,
and writhed around like tippy toes
filling the chasm of consciousness
with some heralded astonishment
at the utter confidence

a current for
productivity...and much more
to what the body needs
fluidity is what is decreed
waving like a reed
to the source of responsiveness
to being in control of times moments

perhaps you've seen fluidity before
perhaps now you'll know it more
perhaps again, fluidity has been achieved
but fluidity does not tell, it does not deceive
this is where I leave
the fluidity