Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I want our souls to touch

I want our souls to touch nose to nose
I want it to be like on the beach
toes to toes
but it can't happen it wont
I wanted our souls to touch ear to ear
to hear all the things you wanted to hear
but there is no touching I fear
yo...check it
I got my hand down the front of my pants
sitting in the corner, creep, too fucked up to dance
too fucked up to give in to romance
perchance I reckon its all in the construction
how the hell your look brings my destruction
how your eyes, your lips, your cheeks can be
the most horrible thing in the world to me
its like walking around the block a thousand times
like you are an old vcr stuck on rewind
trying to find the thing you lost
wandering forever forget the cost
its almost like I've given it all up in the moment
where the moment was spent, but I don't own it
and all I ever wanted was to share one thing
and all it brings
I want our souls to touch cheek to cheek
so I never am afraid
so I am never meek
I want our souls to touch lips to lips
so we share more than just a simple kiss
I wanted our souls to touch fingertip to fingertip
but I slipped
and I can never get over it.
Your soul is gone now
mine is too
I just wish you had had it in you
to stop my soul from going away
to keep me from becoming the man I am today
so fuck it
keep on truckin
keep on dodging and duckin
keep on runnin
just remember when the words are gone
that it was you, just you, all along
I want our souls to touch nose to nose
I wanted my heart and yours to grow
I want I want I want some more
but what I need, for what I implore
is just you
forever more

Funny Thing is

The funny thing is
remember when you were a kid?
remember when whatever you did
mattered, when you were a kid?
Where you'd bang a lid
run around all day
with your friends chasing you
so much time to play
remember when time moved slow?
things were funny then
I wish I had known
remember waiting for the bus?
the morning was such a fuss
Remember going to the pencil sharpener?
where each turn, your mind would wander
remember, the first time you took your step
haha me either, can't remember that...yet
I remember a time, when time moved slow
it was such a funny thing, as you grow
how time suddenly starts to move quite fast
and then, the funny thing is, being a kids the past
strange, its only the deranged
who say what they think
on topics of any range
Remember when you'd ask your parents crazy questions?
They'd think, then try to move you in the right direction
Remember when you had juice boxes?
and learned about dogs chasing foxes
Remember that time when you were young?
running shouting, not caring and having fun.
Are those times done?
Funny thing is I'm growing up
and my feet are farther away
so are my days of play
and as my body reaches its peak
puberty hits, sweat starts to stink
I've reached that brink
of what is/is not "adult"
funny thing is, that you consult
your friends, your family all of your peers
but they don't know the end of your years
they don't know what happens next
funny thing is, they don't know what to expect
Remember what your mother used to say to you at night?
as she kissed your cheek,and pulled the covers tight
right before she turned off...the light
Remember that time when a kid had an accident?
everyone knew, the smell was omnipresent
Remember that time, so long ago, where you were a child, and you first saw snow?
How white it was, frosty and nice, your snowman might freeze overnight
the cries of delight, the snowball fight
the funny thing is, that time marches on
the end is the beginning
until the times wrong
but the funny thing is
always around you
and the funny thing is
it will always astound you
you remember it all
every minute described
of your childhood
before your eyes
but the funny thing is
you never knew it then
and the funny thing is
you can't stop it my friend.

Stab at Epic Poem: written in 2 hour span in spanish, span spanish, que paso?

Gather round children for sights and sounds

with a tale that goes round and round

a tale with the variables of fun

constant like the setting sun

designed to rise and begin again renewed

for there is a moral to be misconstrued

and as the day turns to night

with the rush of artificial light

the yearning and hunger

of our plight; enters your mind

but not your sight

You see there is a curse upon man

a curse bound to come again

a feeling wavy like the tides

an ugliness sprouts from inside

but as the sun sets and

the story goes, remember

that the ugliness grows

There was a flower in a lot

gravelly, empty, but for said forget-me-not

that grew effervescent and ever long

growing unnoticed by those moving along

the color was black, but the stalk was white

a metaphor for the constant plight

a metaphor for

the night

the question is not why the flower grows

or why no-one notices, no-one knows

but why there is only one

in the lot

under the sun.

Once this lot was full

until thee gravel took its toll

and the flowers died

no-one cared to cry

because no-one wondered why.

As time passed it came at last

the flower with a white stalk and black rose

turned completely dark

like hairs from the nose

and no smell emanated forth

as the blackness took its course

a wave of light splintered out

and the lot was morose

but people did not notice


the blackness that resides inside

must be at first realized

or else you will

know your lot

and your life as an

empty plot

of forget-me-nots

Until one day someone stepped up

and looked into the empty lot

and began to notice that it was not

as it appeared, early in its years.

The citizen ventured in

to see the lot with chagrin

and to pick the black

where it was placed in slacks

the metronome of a story in a broken home

to where said citizen roamed,

now no longer alone.

For a friend had been found

surrounded in blackness

all around

the curse began to make its round

without sight, smell, or sound

They say opposites attract and its true

for in some way opposites are brought to you

and me and everyone else

that effects sense of self, but

if opposites attract and come hither

are the similarities to whither?

Said citizen did not care

complacent eyes, indecent stare

a communicated blackness brought to bear

and the metronome stopped

with the ticking of the clock

a sharp -pop- and fast relief

but the color was sheathed

as blackness lay beneath

the citizen left the scene, a black rose within the seam

left to its own devices it did gleam

and shimmer with false reasoning

What does it mean

What does it represent

time passed or time spent

the blackness does not


The lot was passed many a day

the dust settled in the decay

and sunlight would not touch the spot

of the last forget-me-not

someone whimpered, someone sang

the beginning of a sad refrain

a percussion supplied by rain

of a love to never return again

paradise lost

innocence as well

all roads lead a path to hell

if one does not listen well

pray tell

the sun sets

with its precedents

the citizen rode by car

the travel began near

and left far

an intangible sense of decadence

accompanied every spin

from the wheels within

an intangible reach in

to a sight beneath them

the citizen rode by car

the rose was close and far

to say the journey was pleasant

is to ignore the omnipresent

surrounding like moon and stars

shining down upon the car

where the source

was now ajar

as time traveled through the continuum

the blackness became a shoe-in

to change the course of history

by propagating human misery

but alas the lines have traveled to far

for now we must return

to the citizen, in the car

The tires stopped, the brakes screeched,

the dust settled on the ground beneath

the citizen's scuttling feet

for the curse was to be spread

to postulate the beginning as the end

for fate turned upon its friend

for the citizen was to spread the curse of man

before reaching the hearst's-van

the scuttling steps crushing insects

drawn to the footsteps via vibrations;

the citizen felt again the sensation

to breed and begin again

to rise to fall

to spread the curse

for man

to call

the walk ran on

the dusk was thick

and in the citizen's

mind comfort began to slip

a mind idle

at rest

and at ease

for the blackness began to feed

no whiteness left

places to fill

build and construct

things that spill

the knowledge

dark and endless

filled the space

that time

hadn't intended

to embrace

the sun-lit shadows swept across the sands

illuminating the movements of our stranger hands

the citizen opened the door to walk on

found what he was looking for all along

the sweet taste

washed away

the bitter embrace

All was quiet despite the hour

as the citizen rode it began to shower

solid raindrops fell

ignored via a protective shell

and for the citizen as he past

the darkness seemed light at last.

When the sun chose to rise once more

the citizen reached conclusion's shore

and entered the city

the new town

and noticed darkness all around

eyes past, dark and sullen

like the Christmas forgotten

be hoof of chutton

and the close contact

the brushes past

all were as if in

time's looking glass

the citizens walk swam through

the crowd to the right avenue

the repetition as they past

reflected in

the looking glass

Where did it all lead?

To find the gathering

a sight to be seen

a choice to make

with reasoning

cars honked; pigeons patted;

stoplights switched; massed missed


opportunities that glisten

like the forget-me-nots

to which no-one listens

the citizen trotted forth

as others went through

all along an avenue

a cry; a shout, the heads turned

to witness the conflict they did yearn

the stranger walked on

not perplexed

no need to witness

nor reflect

Light danced within windows

showing a shade of the world

the citizen's stomach churned

against the walls and burned

but nothing was unexpected

just blackness

and nothing to be


the shade of the world past

revealing nothing that could be grasped

The heat did rise

visible sweat in every citizen's eyes

what did arise


no-forget-me nots

just everyone's face

everyone a blur

somewhere someone

did discern

the citizen walked on

but the timing

was all wrong

checking face

on a timepiece

the clock did race

it was 12:00ish around noon

whoever was coming

would be there soon

What did the fates have in store

and to what does time implore

a circle


urban chaos, a minefield


the sweat drenched

and the people stunk.

The citizen strolled compelled

yet showing nothing; the temperature swelled

red, to green, a shift

a means

to end


they went

Where goeth the strong? The weak?

The brave?

To what thoughts are such


Movement met times lament

money was spent

the details...absent

clouds drifted slowly

there were few at all

just the light, the street,

and outskirts of a mall

an attractive one amidst the muck

one whose image stuck

but there was darkness to fast to tell

and like a coin it fell

into a wishing well

never to be noticed

never at all

never to be remembered

punctured; by times call

at the outskirts of a mall

violence, natural

to science


like violets

a green parade


the entrance

to the shoppers parade

whisking in and out

moving quick

in small amounts

the citizen surged

forth and back

never once able to


Wisdom of years

knocking knowledge

taught through peers

experience predates:


Deciding now was the

right spot

the citizen snatched the forget-me-not

and the stars sparkled

in the sky

blocked by the walls and

the blue outside

ripping the rose

the citizen did stare

at the withered flower

there, the problem was

time will tell

but perhaps it'd be best to wish the citizen


the recognized memory


creating enough time for the citizen

to realize

in the crowd was one “snake-bitten”

and whose destiny

was intermittent

with memory,


a decision.

Raising the necessary tool

the citizen obeyed

the darkness that ruled

and let the choice

be made

to put the


as one to fade.

Perhaps, there is always the element of chance

as such-romance-fancy-pants-m
orning radio-natures dance-

no fate to remonstrate

choice the

citizen did make


goes the sad.....


So next time you pick a forget me not

make sure it is

the choice you've bought.

Otherwise your just in an

empty parking lot

staring at the one that chose to grow

where all the others never showed

and the shot echoed in the corridor

the citizen's eyes did bulge

his head did sink

and as the moment passed

the citizen was on the brink

a mission accomplished

never to be attempted again

but if you are going through hell

you keep going my friend

and so where one cometh

one must go

and find the flower

that chose to grow








time will
